In caring for the skin of your face and uses makeup turned out lots of little things that are often forgotten by us but it is important to note.
Here are 10 tips for make up and skin care face to remember:
In so doing, buying skin care skin care products properly and carefully so that it can really be applied to the skin you have role sanga is important. So if you buy a product make up and skin care products, in addition to buy according to your skin type do not forget to always check the ingredients contained in it to see if the products contain things that can make your allergies. Also check whether it contains high concentrations of chemicals that can damage your skin.
If you've tried a new product such as facial moisturizer, try always to apply make up a small part of the skin for example behind the ear and check to see how your skin reacts to it to anticipate that your skin is allergic to the new product.
Noting the expiry date on the product make up and skin care products, and most importantly do not use beyond the expiration date.
Hygiene is an important part of the make up and skin care procedures, always Membersihan the face at least twice a day.
Nail care is an important aspect in addition to makeup and skin care. Use a good quality Nail Polish and always keep your nails clean and perform a manicure on a regular basis.
If you have sunken eyes, you must use eye liner liquid eye liner than a pencil. By using eye liner as this will prevent the cemong on the edge of your eye.
If you have a skin disorder e.g. acne, You should not put product that begins with chemical at the time make up. Consult with your dermatologist if you are unsure about the products that You use when you have acne or other skin diseases. You can also use a natural product (organic skincare) to be able to get rid of acne.
Use makeup remover to remove makeup and only then rinse with SOAP interface that suits your skin type.
Never sleep with makeup is still using one of the ways the most powerful skin care.
If you use deodorants, fragrances or perfumes, make sure that you keep your distance recommended between the nozzle and your skin (as mentioned on the packaging deodorant).