Black spots or black spot is one of the signs of premature aging. With the presence of black spots on the face did not make us confident. The black spots are usually often come up is around the face, neck, or in certain other areas of the body. In addition to greatly affect our performance, black stains can also reduce confidence. It is because the black stain already appear on the body we will need a long time to eliminate it.
Certainly everyone wants his face free from flecks of black, dull, dry, Remove the spots-spots is also certainly you don't want to even become damaged facial skin. In fact a lot of cosmetic cream which is sold over the counter, but surely by either using a cream made from chemicals, we will also be in the face of danger caused by it, well if you want to remove the black spots on the face with naturally read as follows.
Eliminate Black Spots by using egg white.
How to use: prepare chicken egg then pour egg into a container and take her away, the next step to prepare cotton to taste then dip a cotton swab into the liquid egg whites had said chicken. layout of an already greased cotton's egg white to the face with mist, first on the face that there are black flecks. then let stand wraps the egg whites last up to several minutes or wait until the dried egg white mask. Flush with clean water and wipe off with a dry rag, do black flecks in tips eliminate face above a minimum of three times a week.
Eliminate Black Spots Using Aloe Vera mask.
The Aloe Vera plant, in addition to being used to make hair strong and healthy skin, it also has the same function as good if used to remove black spots on the face. Preparation of Aloe Vera as a face mask is also not so difficult, mashed until smooth then mixed with olive oil, then stir so one until thoroughly mixed. The next step is to wear the mask to the face until evenly and let stand until the mask dries somewhat or a little over 5 minutes. After that you can wash them with clean water.
Eliminate Black Spots Using the skin of the cucumber.
How to use: take the cucumber skin to taste then rub on the face that there are patches of stain black flecks. So spotting the spots will disappear. Cucumber fruit turns out to have deposits of silica, i.e. collagen content of substances that serve to lighten the skin of the face. Here's how easy enough just by consuming the cucumber fruit has not been shelled as fresh vegetables to eat so the skin will look firmer.